

I don't write essays in reaction to everything I find interesting, this is the place for some of the stuff you'll just have to read/see for yourself.

The Onion naming North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un as the “Sexiest Man Alive”

11/27/12: North Korea's Top Leader Named The Onion's "Sexiest Man Alive for 2012"

11/19/12: Comparison of Syrian President al-Assad and U.S. President Lincoln.

9/5/12: The CIA's Mea Culpa on Iraq

3/15/12: If we don't act to stop the violence in Syria, aliens will.

3/5/12: Attorney General Holder rules that the U.S. Government is legally allowed to kill American citizens who are part of a terrorist group.  He says, "Due process and judicial process are not one and the same, particularly when it comes to national security."

3/2/12: Here is a fun game of 'Who Said It: Rick Santorum or Ayatollah Khamenei?'

For a preview, this is the opening paragraph: 
"One is a religious fanatic railing against secularism, the role of women in the workplace, and the evils of higher education, as he seeks to impose his draconian moral values upon the state. The other is the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran." 

1/17/12: North Korean State TV recently released a hour long TV special filled with clips of Kim Jong-Un inspecting troops, talking with generals, and being cheered by all.  This is the Korean version, but if someone finds an English translation please share it.
Here is some commentary by Adam Cathcart, assistant professor of Chinese history at Pacific Lutheran University.

1/11/12: A new set of rules for the classic game of Risk.  I haven't tried them out yet but in theory they seem pretty good.  When I get a chance I'll try my hand and making my own rules.

1/6/12: A great measure of understanding a concept or idea is being able to successfully compare and relate it to another that is in an unrelated field.  With this in mind I believe Mr. Drezner and contributors did something pretty cool when they used videos from YouTube to portray aspects of American Foreign Policy.

12/_/11: Foreign Policy Association's top 5 international documentaries of 2011.

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