
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wow, its been a little too long since I have written something.  Between a busted knee and an impending decline in 60 hour work weeks I will soon find myself with some extra free time.  Right now I have two ideas for interesting posts:
-A moral defense of sweatshops and child labor
-Comments on separatist/reformist movements and their use of force

I would like to write something about capacity building, since that is where I am currently most interested in pursuing a career.  It is a little amorphous right now, but I'll probably focus on the necessity of local "ownership."  I hinted at this idea in my first post on Barbara Walters' interview of President Assad.  There I briefly discussed the role of France in the American Revolution and more recent international involvement in Libya, but I think this subject deserves a lot more consideration, especially since it seems so few people, organizations, and governments recognize it.

I am also taking suggestions.  If there is something you'd like to discuss, give me a shout and I'll try to figure something out.  Preference will be given to posts with the most potential for clever titles and pop culture references.  (Batman, Game of Thrones?)